With the progress of industrial modernization, building materials, electronic waste, chemical waste, and white pollution that we often hang on our lips have become our environmental killers. Among these waste materials, except for a few copper, iron, metal, waste paper, etc., which can be recycled, the rest of the waste materials are disposed of by filling or incineration.

However, such a treatment method will cause a certain degree of damage to our environment. Environmental issues such as water pollution and air pollution are entangled around us.

In the face of scarce resources and increasing pollution, sustainable environmentally friendly materials have become the first choice of many businesses.

What is sustainable packaging?

Sustainable packaging is packaging that, over time, reduces its environmental footprint.

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This can happen in a number of ways:

  1. Ingredients: Using raw 100% recycled or raw materials
  2. Production process: By minimizing the production process, supply chain, and carbon footprint
  3. Reusability: Creating a circular economy around the packaging, extending its lifecycle and usability.

As consumers become more aware of their impact on the environment’s safety and future, they are taking bigger steps to live more sustainably, whether through making their homes more energy-efficient or buying products that are packaged with recyclable, sustainable materials.

Thus, sustainable packaging is showing up everywhere in our life – potato chip bags, beverage bottles, CD cases, cosmetics, and more.

Are you really know sustainable packaging?Follow this article, we’ll tell you everything about sustainable packaging you may want to know!

sustainable packaging material:

There are many sustainable packaging on the market, but most of them are used the similar material, and the most common sustainable packaging in our life are as below :

sustainable packaging material

Kraft packaging

Kraft paper bag structure: Kraft paper bag is a composite material or pure kraft paper packaging container, non-toxic, odorless, pollution-free, low-carbon environmental protection, meets national environmental protection standards, has high strength, high environmental protection, is currently the most popular in the world One of the environmentally friendly packaging materials.

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sustainable packaging material

Paper packaging

When it comes to paper packaging there is a lot to take in, like did you know that there are in fact 4 different types of paper packaging,

  1. Kraft
  2. White cardboard
  3. Coated paper
  4. Offset paper

Paper Packaging is a versatile and cost-efficient method to transport, protect and preserve a wide array of items. It is engineered to be sturdy, yet lightweight, and is customizable to meet product- or customer-specific needs.

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sustainable packaging material

Pp woven bags

PP woven bags are made from polypropylene resin. Polypropylene, which is also known as PP for a short name, is one kind of thermoplastic resin material. During our production process, it is first made into a plastic film, then drawn into flat tapes. And then the polypropylene tape will be woven in two directions (warp and weft) to create a light, but strong and heavy-duty fabric, which will be used as the main material for packaging making, hence the name woven package.

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Warehouse worker with box and manager controlling products

Tips for sustainable packaging and shipping:

However, sustainable packaging are commonly used in our daily life. As consumers become more conscious of their shopping habits, they’re looking not only for sustainable products but businesses dedicated to being environmentally friendly in all aspects of their operations.

Here are some of their tips for sustainable packaging and shipping:

  • Offer carbon-neutral shipping by offsetting emissions
  • Ship items in bulk
  • Use sustainable packaging that can be repurposed
  • Offer a returns program for your empty product containers
  • Recycle on behalf of your suppliers and offer shipping-friendly items
  • Work with wholesalers to reduce individual shipments and limit return shipping
  • Reduce the size of your packaging
  • Use compostable mailers

After we have talked so much about sustainable packaging, you must be interested in sustainable packaging. And the most interesting aspect of the packaging is not only the sustainable materials,  but also the sustainable packaging design concept!

Do you know what sustainable packaging design is? Let’s have a look!

boardofinnovation sustainable packaging innovation examples

sustainable packaging design:

The sustainable design of products requires designers to not only meet the needs of users when designing products but also pay attention to energy consumption and environmental pollution in the production and use of products. For different design objects, designers can make the design consistent with the concept of sustainable development from a single or multiple perspectives.

Therefore,meet the sustainable design,we have 5 points needs to consider :

eco-friendly void fill packaging

1. Design concept

The creative and design stages are the key to achieving sustainable products. Designers can improve existing products or design products that are more conducive to sustainable development based on the existing use problems. Many products are now pursuing multi-functionality to attract daylighters, but there are not many functions actually used, which results in excess product functions and is a waste of a certain degree. In this regard, designers can re-examine the functions of existing products and optimize the functionality of products. In addition, extending the product life cycle also requires attention when designing the concept. The frequent replacement of products in a short period of time is a great waste of natural and social resources and is naturally unsustainable.

ECO-friendly packaging for cosmetics

2. Green materials

The greening of materials not only refers to the green choice of materials, that is, the selection of environmentally friendly and legally harvested natural materials in the design, but also can reduce the use of materials or avoid the use of materials without affecting the basic function and strength. Low utilization, reducing waste of materials.

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3. Recyclingmaterial

In a circular economy, all products should be designed to be biodegradable, recyclable, or a combination of both. Through recycling, all materials and components in the product can be recycled for new products or new processes, thereby avoiding any waste. Therefore, in the early stage of product design, designers should fully consider the possibility of recycling their parts and components, and achieve the purpose of recycling through existing technology treatment methods and processes.

plastic packaging

4. Energy saving

Energy saving is mainly reflected in the three parts of manufacturing, transportation and use in product design. When designing products, designers need to consider the production consumption in the manufacturing process, reduce energy consumption, reduce production processes, and improve energy efficiency. In transportation, designers can also use stacking, folding, and disassembly to reduce transportation costs. In the process of user use, it is also the most energy-saving part of the entire design. Designers should reduce energy consumption in use through design concepts.

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5. Reduce environmental pollution

The initial design models of products are often rough. In order to pursue refinement and beauty, designers usually treat the surface of materials to different degrees, the most common of which are sanding and painting. However, the use of paint can cause pollution to water, air and even soil. So sustainable design requires designers to consider more environmentally friendly processes.

Your consumers are increasingly concerned with the impact they’re making on the environment. This inclination is even more common with the millennial generation, where the majority of these consumers not only recognize but want to fix the impact of years of unsustainable practices.

Today, product manufacturers like you have to walk a fine line between package sustainability and quality. You need sustainable packaging that provides a safe barrier from elements like moisture and cold air. You also have to ensure that your packaging is shelf-stable and that it doesn’t feel flimsy or cheap.

Cost-Effective Packaging Solutions

While many people may think that environmentally-friendly products are unavoidably expensive, such as organic foods that can often be double the price of others, sustainable packaging is actually cost-effective. Innovative designs that use less harmful materials not only reduce waste, but they also reduce space. The ability to fit more weight and more products within shipments can greatly lower shipping and transportation costs, allowing for more products per shipment and reducing the use and cost of fuel.

Promote the Product

Let’s face it: Consumers feel better and happier when they know they are contributing to a greener future. Keep your customers satisfied, and associate your product and your brand with greener living. When you show customers that you care about the environment and how your product affects the safety of others, you’ll gain a positive reputation that help promote your business and product.

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A Greener Future

Plastic materials such as PVC (polyvinyl chloride) are not biodegradable, and some chemicals used in PVC production have been shown to cause cancer, kidney or reproductive system damage in animals. The H-Loc Trapped Blister uses recycled PET (RPET) to contain products, and a minimal amount at that. The majority of the package uses corrugated cardboard, the most recycled material on the planet. And with water- and soy-based inks and adhesives, the trapped blister reduces the need for harmful oils.

Save Yourself Money Sustainable Packaging

Sustainable and eco-friendly products tend to be packaged in more lightweight materials which ultimately can help you save on shipping costs. Think locally when sourcing freight carriers and materials for packaging. A well-thought-out logistics plan will directly impact your costs in a positive way. Not to mention your consumers will also appreciate it when products are lightweight and easier to recycle.

How Do Brands Benefit from Sustainable Packaging?

There are many ways a brand or manufacturer can benefit from a focus on sustainability in its production. One huge advantage to eco-conscious packaging is that it will attract a demographic of environmentally conscious, like-minded consumers to your product. This demographic is growing fast and if you aren’t supporting the eco-friendly movement with your brand now, you are going to be left behind your competitors in the marketplace.

This is a call to arms for your product lines! The customer base for eco-friendly companies is steadily growing, as people are becoming more aware of the damaging effects that modern living—packaging included—has on the environment.

Prominent companies such as Walmart and Coca-Cola have already invested in sustainability-related packaging, in part because it is a lucrative transition to make. The Coca-Cola Company made its product packaging more sustainable by adopting more resource-efficient designs, as well as using recycled and renewable materials. Since investing in sustainability, Coca-Cola reports it has saved approximately $180 million a year.


As consumers become more aware of their impact on the environment’s safety and future, they are taking bigger steps to live more sustainably, whether through making their homes more energy-efficient or buying products that are packaged with recyclable, sustainable materials.

At the same time, sustainable packaging also has a lot of positive impacts on companies, bringing more environmental protection concepts to consumers and improving brand image. Green and healthy brands are first for many consumers!

PrimePac adheres to the green business philosophy of sustainable and environmental protection, with sustainable packaging as its main business product, and is the perfect candidate for your packaging business partner.

About primepac:

At PrimePac, we bring together design experts and brand innovators to create fresh ideas, customized packages, and fully efficient processes.

We design creative packaging solutions that cater to a diverse global audience with the in-house knowledge and network of experienced professionals to meet the demands of every type of client.

From our dedicated sales team and warehouse staff in Australia to the experts at our production facilities in China, all of our employees are guided by four core values at the heart of our business: integrity, innovation, passion, and engagement.

Eco-friendly packaging for cosmetics